Who is this coming up from the desert leaning on her lover? [ Beloved ] Under the apple tree I roused you; there your mother conceived you, there she who was in labor gave you birth. Song of Solomon 8:5
Most Christians don't like to talk about the wilderness because its not all pleasant at times BUT its needed to draw us closer to JESUS himself and to know him for who he is. A man who is fully man and fully God with eyes of fire that burns for you. Most of us want roses and blue clouds all the time but this journey of being lovesick comes with a price. The price is forever longing until his return. That's why we need to ask GOD to set a seal over our hearts.Song of Solomon 8:6 So that our heart wouldn't be distracted by any other lover or other things that are temporal. We have to continue to have a steady gaze, so nothing can hinder his love from entering in. For LOVE is strong as the death its jealousy as enduring as the grave. That kind of passion moves my heart that JESUS is so passionate about having all of us that he desires that we have the fullness of his love according to Ephesians 3:19. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of LIFE and POWER that comes from GOD. In times of trials and difficulty just lean on your beloved he will lead you into revelation of his love and you will know the love of Christ by allowing him to speak to you tenderly in the wilderness. You might be limping now but you will come out BEAUTIFUL covered with Glory because your gaze is steady. Dont be shaken by trials and circumstances come out leaning on your beloved.Its a journey of LOVE and the Father is forming you into the image of his son so that you can stand on that day in confident in love. A covenant of love that can't be broken! (IHOP-KC) is singing that as I type this blog! Ha!
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