Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Updated Missionary Support Letter

Greetings Family and Friends,
I pray that this letter finds you and your family well. This is my second year as a part-time Intercessory Missionary at IHOP-Atlanta! I am excited to be ministering to the Lord and to raise my son in the House Of Prayer, just as Hannah gave Samuel back to the lord and he was raised in the temple. I am thrilled to be serving at IHOP-Atlanta as an Intercessory Missionary! Elijah is attending the Daniel Academy which is a homeschooling/private school partnership on the mission’s base. God is raising up Elijah as a forerunner to prepare the way of the Lord by cultivating a lifestyle of prayer and fasting, prophetic wisdom, and academic excellence.
On February 12, 2006, our dream became a reality, as the International House Of Prayer - Atlanta Prayer Room was expanded to cover 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The prayer meeting that started that day continues to this day, without ceasing. It's astounding to think that there has never been a worship-led prayer meeting that continued unabated for this length of time in our city, until now! Now prayer and worship never cease to arise from our city to our great God (Isaiah 62). Our prayers will release revival in Atlanta and empower the church to love God wholeheartedly and fulfill the Great Commission.
The Lord has called me to be like the prophetess Anna who “never left the temple, serving night and day with fastings and prayers...spoke of [the Lord] to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem.” (Luke 2:37-38). Each week I am devoted 6 prayer meetings in the 24/7 Prayer Room and 8 hours in service and outreach. I am also committed to one day of fasting weekly and three days once a month during our Global Bride Groom fast. I pray the New Testament prayers for the church to be strengthened as the vehicle to fulfill the Great Commission and turn our nation back to God.
God is doing wonderful things and I know that He will continue to be faithful to finish the good work He has started in me and Elijah. I serve as an intercessor in the 24/7 prayer room, give encouragement on the Prophecy Teams, and help run the IHOP Office with my administrative and marketing skills. I have obtained my Bachelors degree in Business Administrative/concentration in Sales and Marketing at Devry University. And I plan to use these skills at the International House of Prayer by assisting the Marketing department. I am also actively involved with Bound4Life, a pro-life and pro-adoption ministry. I focus my intercessions on justice issues (Luke 18) and seeing the African American community released into their identity in Christ and their leadership role in the arising prayer and missions movements. I also have a desire to go to the Nations specifically the West Indies Islands, Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico and the surrounding Islands. I also have a dream to have a Fashion Boutique, (Virtue 31) that will support Human Traffic Organizations with clothing for their victims.

IHOP-Atlanta is run by a ministry staff of missionaries who raise their own support in order to do the works of the ministry. It is for this reason that I am writing you. I would like to give you an opportunity to join me in this ministry by committing to support me with your encouragement, prayers, and monthly financial support .I will be giving you a call in the next three to seven days to share my heart and ministry further. Please know that your ability or inability to partner with me financially in no way affects my love and affection for you. May God bless you richly!

God Bless,

Natasha Edwards
2910 Buford Dr Apt 226
Buford, GA 30519


Yahoo IM: bay757


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