Monday, December 6, 2010

The Woman and Man in the Garden

Im on a journey from Genesis to Hosea to Song of Solomon to Rev 1 and Rev 4. It started when I started listening to the book Captivating, I read it before but I felt a prompting to listen to the CD audio this time around.I heard the small still voice of the lord last week in the prayer room telling me to start all over as if I know nothing about creation. He told me to begin in Genesis and just to look at Adam and Eve.


The love story with God and humanity started in the Garden. The lord planted the garden of Eden, he made it with his hands. The garden represents inimacy, and it was filled with fruits and trees that represents growth and beauty. Before the woman came into existence God had brought to the man all the animals and birds whom he had made from the ground just like he made Adam from the the soil of the ground to name each one of them. But before he brought the animals to the man he said it's not good for man to be alone.God didnt immediately make the man someone like himself because maybe God wanted the man to long for intimacy and have a true relationship with him in the waiting for something he never could imagine. ( A woman) It wasn't Adam's idea for a woman to come into humanity it was God's plan in the begining but it had to be done in perfect order and timing. After this order of naming the animals which is a privelage that the God of the Universe will allow Adam to use his creativity to name what he created. God is humbled and kind. But still there was no helper just right for the Man.

The Lord God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep. Did God see the Man's heart searching for a companion other than God himself, someone who can share God's love with ( God the Father), someone who he could have adventures with, someone who he could feel and touch, someone who he could share his life with, someone who he could share this great love that he experience with God his father walking in the cool of the day with. God answered the longing of his heart while he was sleep. But the man had to walk and be in relationship with God before he could give him the crown of creation. (The Woman) He had to know the Creator not only as his father but as his husband. Isaiah 54:5 For your Maker is your husband the LORD Almighty is his name
the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth.Dont shrink back from thinking or saying how can God be a husband to a man, its not what you think its about the attributes of what a husband is suppose to look like God himself. We are his Image Bearers we bare his image that is just glorious.

The crown of creation I will continue I seat and inquire of the Lord. Oh yeah the neat thing about all this is that we are in a 8 week series of the Glory of Marriage at International House of Prayer of Atlanta. I love how god just prepared me for this series he is so faithful and good. On this journey I know I will gain insight of God's plan from the begining. It's all about the father preparing a marriage for his son Matthew 22:2 The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. And it is about the marriages on earth looking like our bridegroom JESUS! Pure, spotless blameless, meek, humbled, kind, generous, faithful, holy, loving, giving and so much more.

The pursuit should always be holy because he is holy!

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