February 7, 2011
Dear Family and Friends,
Greetings from Atlanta! I pray that this letter finds you and your family well. I am now on full-time staff as an Intercessory Missionary at IHOP-Atlanta and the Lord has been so faithful to my heart! He is doing wonderful things and I know that He will continue to be faithful to finish the good work He has started in me, especially as I sit before Him daily in prayer.
IHOP Atlanta has embraced Israel and the mandate to support God’s plans and see the Jewish people restored. As I relentlessly pray for the salvation of Israel, God has given me the opportunity to go to Israel with a team from IHOP this spring, not only to gain a better understanding of the Jewish people and their culture, but to join Him and other Jewish believers in His work there in the land. We plan to leave Atlanta on Thursday May 26, 2011 and come back Monday June 6, 2011.
You may wonder why visit Israel? Israel and the Jewish people are one of the main focal points for God’s purposes on the earth and Israel will be the focus of the end-times events prior to Jesus’ return to the earth. When mankind fell in the Garden of Eden, God made a promise to humanity that He would bring a Promised Redeemer who would restore all that was lost in the Garden. About 1900 BC, almost 4000 years ago, God made a covenant with Abraham that he would be the father of many descendants and they would one day inherit a land that came to be known as Israel. Later in history, as God formed the nation of Israel from Abraham’s line, He led them out of Egypt to the Promised Land through Moses and Joshua. God chose Israel and the Jewish people to reveal Himself to the entire earth and to teach the nations about the One, True Living God. Israel was also the nation and people group through which God would bring His Promised Redeemer, the Messiah. The Messiah was prophesied to be a son of King David who would inherit the kingship of Israel, redeem God’s people and who would also reign over the entire earth.
When Jesus came 2000 years ago, “Yeshua”, in Hebrew, fulfilled all of the prophecies spoken by Israel’s prophets about the Promised Redeemer - the Messiah of Israel. As God foreknew, Israel missed the time of their visitation. But the Good News of redemption and the hope of the coming Kingdom of God went out to the whole earth from Yeshua’s disciples as it has done for the last 2000 years. Sadly, the Gospel spread to a world that was largely anti-semitic and had no concern for anything Jewish. That led to the development of Christianity that soon became unaware of its Jewish roots. Many doctrines of the early Church leaders divorced the Church from everything Jewish. And with the last destruction of Jerusalem and dispersion of the Jewish people from their homeland in 70 AD by the Roman Emperor Titus, Israel was mostly forgotten and even thought to have been replaced by the new Church. But God has not forgotten His people or His promises!
Today, 2000 years after Yeshua came, God has reformed the nation of Israel and begun calling His people back to their homeland. God is also awakening the Church to embrace her Jewish roots, and more importantly, embrace His chosen people. Many of God’s prophecies and promises regarding Israel and the Jewish people are yet to be fulfilled. However, when Yeshua returns to the earth, He will restore Israel to glory and bring His people into His kingdom and fulfill all of His promised to Israel.
My trip to Israel will include visiting Biblical, historical sites in and outside of Jerusalem; partnering with local houses of prayer in the country; helping local, Messianic Jewish congregations in humanitarian work to needy families and holocaust survivors; and embracing my rich, Jewish heritage as I gain God’s heart for the land and His people. The cost for the trip is expected to be $2300.
I am excited about the opportunity to serve and to minister, and I ask you to join me in ministry. I am seeking your support and prayers for this mission trip. If you are able to assist with this trip, I would ask that you forward any tax deductible donation to me with the check payable to “International House of Prayer-Atlanta” and for non-tax deductible donations to “Natasha Edwards”. I thank you in advance for your prayers and your financial support. May God bless you richly!
Natasha Edwards

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