Friday, March 18, 2011

Moral OutCry

A Boy Named Elijah
By Christina Martin • March 18, 2011 11:34 AM
Elijah is a ten year old boy. He loves to read, likes video games, and has some cool dance moves. His best friend Robby says he's awesome. When they play sports in school they have to be on the same team or "it just doesn't work out."

Elijah's life is a gift to all who know him. But it's a gift that almost wasn't received. His mother Natasha became pregnant at the age of 19. Her then boyfriend was just as scared as she was, and he pressured her to abort. He gave her $ 250.00, (a small price for a life), and told her to go to a clinic.

A older friend tried to talk Tasha out of it, but when that didn't work, she drove to her to the clinic. She stayed in the car praying, while Tasha went inside.

The clinic was in Texas, and during this time they were required to show their patients a video of what the abortion procedure would look like. When Tasha saw the video, she knew she couldn't go through with it. She grabbed her stuff, and ran out the door. Her friend waiting in the car, just had her prayers answered.

Natasha is one of my dear friends. She is a wonderful, devoted mother who raises her son to love and fear the Lord. She told me that having Elijah helped her to mature. In her own words she said, "When I became a mother, I knew I had to do whatever it took to take care of my child. When I got pregnant my first thought was that my life would be over, and I wouldn't be able to do anything. But having my son actually helped me get bigger dreams for my future."

Natasha is a full time intercessor at a House of Prayer near Atlanta. She has a degree in marketing, a eye for fashion and a heart for those in need of justice. She wants to open up clothing boutiques and use the funds to reach the broken. She is a voice for life, and a living testimony of God's ability to restore.

Elijah was named after a man Tasha talked to on the phone one day at work. She was making calls, and the man she spoke to had a name she had never heard before. " Elijah?, she said. I like the sound of that." Since she wasn't a believer at the time, she had no idea it was a biblical name. Nor did she know of the promise of Malachi 4: 5-6:

See , I will send the prophet Elijah to you before the great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents.

Looking back, she believes God chose that name for her son. I think He did it for all of us. To show us that even in the midst of great death, He is saving lives. To tell us that although many are turning away from their children, He is giving grace for precious ones to turn to them. Thank you Natasha. Your brave choice has blessed the world with the gift of a boy named Elijah.

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